Can We Help?
Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive legal resources for intellectual property law attorneys.
Intellectual Property in Commerce offers solutions for your clients confronting secured financing, foreclosure, or bankruptcy issues involving intellectual properties.
Helps attorneys prepare and prosecute patent applications by emphasizing techniques and strategies rather than broad theories.
Book (Full Set)
This work approaches the copyright application process from the viewpoint of the copyright attorney.
Use this resource in planning and carrying out due diligence on various intellectual property assets.
Covers free speech and free press issues, including history, theory, doctrine, and insights into cases and decisions. Includes citations and cross-references.
Book (Full Set)
Modern Licensing Law discusses the laws, decisions, traditions, and practices comprising licensing law including contract, property, and public policy doctrines.
Book (Full Set)
Patry on Fair Use provides a comprehensive analysis of and guide to the fair use defense in copyright law.
Trade Dress Protection covers every facet of trade dress, including functionality and distinctiveness, the USPTO's approach, and more.
Book (Full Set)
Practical guide to the small business cycles of sole proprietorships, partnerships, closely held corporations, and other types of small businesses.
Book (Full Set)
Aspatore legal title Litigation Strategies for Intellectual Property Cases provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on navigating regulatory evolutions and successfully bringing and defending against lawsuits. Book $85.00 |