Can We Help?
This title provides you with a complete guide to warrantless search and seizure rules.
This work is a comprehensive overview of hate crimes law, including recent court opinions and statutory developments.
This title compiles New Jersey’s statutes and rules relating to criminal law in one take-along pamphlet. eBook - ProView $471.00 |
This title covers all aspects of searches and seizures, applying federal and state law principles in California.
This is a complete text of the Michigan Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, and other laws, rules, and orders relating to Michigan criminal law. Includes the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines Manual and a comprehensive index. eBook - ProView $432.00 |
Thorough handbook with detailed guidance for investigation and resolution of suspicious personal and real property claims. |
This work is a comprehensive review of the law of confessions.
This Deskbook addresses specific issues surrounding stops, searches, and seizures of vehicles.
New edition This treatise examines the immigration consequences of criminal activity by noncitizens.
Book (Full Set)
This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law. |