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Law Enforcement

This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

This publication examines the critical court decisions on narcotics law.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

This product provides step-by-step guidance for effectively handling criminal and civil cases involving wiretapping and electronic evidence.

Book (Full Set)   $2,501.00
ProView eBook   $2,381.00

This publication features up-to-date information on the laws surrounding the actual arrest as well as the search for evidence.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

This publication provides summaries of current federal and state cases on police disciplinary practices and coverage of recent police discipline news.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

A practitioner’s insights get beyond the statutes and provide a guide to handling the most frequently encountered motor vehicle violations.

Book (Full Set)   $1,046.00
ProView eBook   $1,378.00

New edition This work contains the complete state criminal and motor vehicle statutes and rules.

Book (Full Set)   $460.00
ProView eBook   $460.00

New edition Thorough handbook with detailed guidance for investigation and resolution of suspicious personal and real property claims.

Book   $420.00
ProView eBook   $420.00

This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court.


Thoroughly covers the three major areas of drug testing: private, government, and pre-employment.

Book (Full Set)   $2,914.00
ProView eBook   $2,914.00