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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
This comprehensive resource is recognized as a core text on statutory interpretation and construction, essential to interpreting statutes and understanding the effects of the legislative process by which they are created.
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This work sets out the rules of civil procedure in Massachusetts and extensively analyzes them.
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This litigators' "bible" provides step-by-step guidance through pretrial procedures, from client intake to commencing suit and bringing it to trial.
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This title provides nearly 3,500 pages in outline form analyzing legal and tax aspects of a variety of matters. Book (Full Set) $3,842.00 |
This guide provides practical, real-life advice on the best practices and methods for voir dire, plus forms.
Book (Full Set)
Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $56,206.00 |
Authoritative guidance on pretrial practice in federal district courts. Includes jurisdiction, removal and remand, motion practice, discovery, and more!
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This “how to” book on trial fundamentals focuses on what to say in a jury trial and how to say it. Book $60.00 |
Federal trial practice step-by-step from pretrial preparation through posttrial motions. Includes comprehensive treatment of Federal Rules of Evidence.
Book (Full Set)
CACI is the plain language jury instructions of California with conversion tables, research references, use notes, and commentary.
Book (Full Set)