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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Missouri termination motions such as summary judgment or dismissal.
This handbook provides fast, easily located answers to questions on civil litigation, procedure, and evidence. |
New edition This handbook is a comprehensive trial guide that covers trial-related issues in Kentucky. |
Extensive resource on federal jury practice and instructions, answering common questions, and providing citations, practice tips, and forms. |
New edition This handbook is a comprehensive trial guide that covers trial-related issues in Kentucky.
This title helps you understand medical terms faster with plain-language definitions and anatomic illustrations created specifically for attorneys. Book (Full Set) $1,705.00 |
This title is designed to assist in the preparation of jury instructions in the state of Missouri.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Designed for in-court use, this work offers fast access to basic principles, plus concise treatment of the law's critical aspects.
This set, written by 100 leading plaintiff's attorneys, provides expert strategies for dealing with all areas of tort practice. Book $3,040.00 |
The official reporter of the Michigan Supreme Court contains decisions, opinions, special orders, and orders in cases. |