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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
Complete coverage of every Michigan evidentiary rule, including the full text of each provision and expert analysis. Book (Full Set) $762.00 |
This Aspatore product provides best practices for effective e-discovery. Book $110.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on key strategies for managing electronic records during litigation. Book $90.00 |
Provides fast access to the basic principles and application of Wisconsin trial law, both civil and criminal proceedings.
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Provides you with a statement of homicide laws, and guidance the courts have given on those laws’ application.
This two-volume set is a guide to trials and related issues in Illinois.
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Administrative forms relating to the structure, powers, duties, and regulations of state, county, city, and other local government entities. Book (Full Set) $1,100.00 |
Informed practice guide to the governing law and tactics involved in multistate litigation.
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Offers fast, accurate answers to questions of procedure and evidence at trial.
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Extensive resource on federal jury practice and instructions, answering common questions, and providing citations, practice tips, and forms. Book (Full Set) $324.00 |