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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
This deskbook is a practical resource for making or opposing California termination motions such as summary judgment, dismissal, demurrer, and motion to strike. Book $311.00 |
Offers fast, accurate answers to questions of procedure and evidence at trial.
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New edition This product covers provisions of Titles 42 Pa.C.S.A., Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, and 44 Pa.C.S.A., Law and Justice, plus court rules. Book $300.00 |
These volumes deal exclusively with civil practice before the U.S. district courts. Book (Full Set) $5,205.00 |
Explains the use of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine to prove negligence in cases involving accidents. Book (Full Set) $3,495.00 |
Encyclopedia of facts to be proved at trial and various types of civil actions. Four volumes. Book (Full Set) $4,650.00 |
Analyzes alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, such as arbitration, mediation, private judging, dispute review boards, partnering, and others. Book (Full Set) $1,538.00 |
This step-by-step guide discusses the legal principles and practical considerations involved in evaluating forum alternatives. Book $1,654.00 |
Comprehensive legal guidance and forms, supported by authoritative, up-to-date caselaw and statutes, to handle all aspects/types of motor vehicle accident cases. Book (Full Set) $4,217.00 |
Alabama Rules of Court provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library. Book (Full Set) $269.00 |