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Our civil litigation books cover a wide range of topics, including drafting and executing appeals and litigation in civil courts, and more.
This treatise presents the law governing, and relating to, national security investigations conducted by the United States government.
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This title helps lawyers and judges handle digital information and helps you become a more intelligent consumer of technical services.
A true practice guide fully incorporating the 2013 Evidence Code and providing quick access to Georgia evidentiary rules.
Covers jurisdiction, procedures, rules, and personnel of New Jersey appellate courts. Provides analyses and citations to relevant case law. Includes forms. |
This product provides comprehensive discussion of each Federal Civil rule, including practical applications, practice tips, limitations, and traps to avoid.
This title helps you understand medical terms faster with plain-language definitions and anatomic illustrations created specifically for attorneys. Book (Full Set) $1,705.00 |
Authoritative source on civil and criminal evidence.
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This work is a complete resource for online legal research.
This work offers comprehensive and reliable guidance for the preparation and presentation of oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court and other appellate courts.
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.