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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive legal resources for real estate attorneys.
This source offers you a reliable day-to-day reference that can help you handle most Louisiana real estate problems.
Book (Full Set)
This authoritative treatise on real estate financing law provides transactional context, documentation techniques, extensive legal analysis and forms.
Book (Full Set)
This title covers the practice of real estate in Iowa.
This title provides a concise reference work for those in the legal, construction, and government procurement industries. Book (Full Set) $934.00 |
New edition This two-volume publication is a complete collection of statutes and regulations relating to California real property law including selected provisions from numerous applicable codes.
Book (Full Set)
Connecticut Land Use Law and Practice is a practical source on land use problems and litigation for Connecticut attorneys, judges, municipal officers and others involved in the land use process.
Focuses on property issues affecting state and local governments, especially scope of government’s authority, plus practical approaches to problem solving.
New edition This product provides the statutes and regulations that affect the oil and gas industry in a single portable volume. The statutes and regulations are fully annotated with leading case law.
Discussion of common practices, cases, and statutes governing real estate law.
Book (Full Set)
These volumes provide model forms to handle a variety of Texas real estate transactions. Book (Full Set) $1,125.00 |