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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers the most comprehensive collection of securities law books, online research, software and case management tools for legal professionals.
This quarterly journal offers incisive analysis and in-depth advice through articles and features by noted practitioners and scholars. |
New edition Find the right tax-advantaged vehicle for any client's situation with this comprehensive discussion of tax–advantaged securities.
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Contains detailed analysis, practical guidance, and primary source materials relating to legal, regulatory, and compliance issues for asset management.
This treatise provides both legal theory and practical guidance on shareholder litigation.
Book (Full Set)
This title provides sample forms and documents for public and nonpublic securities offerings, annotated with expert commentary. Book (Full Set) $6,360.00 |
This book covers U.S. securities laws and international aspects, including public offerings, listings, public company reporting, private placements, global offerings, shareholder reporting, tender offers, business combinations, MJDS, broker-dealer