Can We Help?
Connecticut Land Use Law and Practice is a practical source on land use problems and litigation for Connecticut attorneys, judges, municipal officers and others involved in the land use process.
Book (Full Set)
This work offers solutions to real estate problems in Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)
Covers Ohio municipal law and practice—from annexation to zoning—plus municipal tort liability, collective bargaining, and public finance.
Book (Full Set)
Comprehensive coverage of the entire field of common-interest subdivision law, along with forms, practice pointers, comments, tables, index, and cross-references.
Book (Full Set)
Convenient reference covers Ohio land use controls and related planning and economic development issues.
New edition Focuses on property issues affecting state and local governments, especially scope of government’s authority, plus practical approaches to problem solving.
This treatise addresses the creation and enforcement of New York zoning regulations, including definitions, ordinance, and charter provisions, and forms.
Book (Full Set)
Step-by-step guide to all the provisions of municipal land use law and related statutes and zoning, including rights and liabilities. |
This comprehensive text covers all federal, constitutional, and statutory limitations on local land use law, discussing defense strategies, doctrines, and remedies.
Extensive analysis of substantive and procedural land use issues, supplemented with useful legal forms. |