Can We Help?
Comprehensive coverage of the entire field of common-interest subdivision law, along with forms, practice pointers, comments, tables, index, and cross-references.
Book (Full Set)
Convenient reference covers Ohio land use controls and related planning and economic development issues.
Convenient newsletter providing up-to-date coverage of critical developments in zoning and planning law. |
This title contains a comprehensive, up-to-date collection of statutes and case annotations on real-estate and property law, including the entire Property Code and relevant statutes, the Texas Title Examination Standards, and much more.
Step-by-step guide to all the provisions of municipal land use law and related statutes and zoning, including rights and liabilities. |
Assembles the insights and guidance offered by the country's leading authorities in zoning law, land use planning, and conservation. Book $3,388.00 |
An in-depth discussion of federal and state wetlands laws, regulations, key court decisions, enforcement, and litigation.
This comprehensive text covers all federal, constitutional, and statutory limitations on local land use law, discussing defense strategies, doctrines, and remedies.
Discusses major water doctrines, analysis of water allocation law, proprietary water rights, federal water resource regulation, and water resource planning.
New edition This product provides the statutes and regulations that affect the oil and gas industry in a single portable volume. The statutes and regulations are fully annotated with leading case law.