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This is a guide to and reference source for real estate law and practice.
Book (Full Set)
Authoritative three-volume resource designed to give the business attorney a solid understanding of Ohio business law practice. Book (Full Set) $947.00 |
The most accurate, up-to-date text of Ohio statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. |
This service includes State Employment Relations Board (SERB) orders, opinions, and administrative law judge reports, plus statutes, administrative rules, and decisions. |
This encyclopedia set provides comprehensive coverage of Ohio law. Book (Full Set) $98,026.00 |
All formal opinions and syllabi issued by the Ohio Attorney General. Also includes yearly Revised Code chapter and reference aids. |
The text of the Ohio Administrative Code, covering rules and regulations relating to employment, civil rights, and public safety. Book (Full Set) $424.00 |
This new compilation covers the three main forms of Ohio's local government: municipal, township, and county governments. Book (Full Set) $1,554.00 |
This caselaw reporter contains decisions issued by the Ohio Supreme Court, plus headnotes and West Key Numbers. |
This is a comprehensive collection of Ohio Building Code Rules, with research aids. Book (Full Set) $676.00 |