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This two-volume publication contains the statutes, rules, and regulations dealing with employment and labor law, including the complete text of California Labor Code and the Unemployment Insurance Code. Book (Full Set) $162.00 |
This four-volume publication contains the complete text of the California Government Code.
Book (Full Set)
This two-volume publication contains the entire penal code and selected provisions from the California Constitution and other state codes dealing with criminal offenses.
Book (Full Set)
This three-volume publication contains the complete text of the California Government Code. |
This two-volume publication provides the complete California Family Code, applicable family law-related provisions from additional codes, and family law rules.
Book (Full Set)
Handbook includes accurate, clear definitions to more than 3,000 key business terms and phrases. Book $31.00 |
A complete update of the 9th edition of Black's, with more than 7,500 new terms defined. Book $72.95 |
This dictionary contains over 70,000 legal terms, each clearly and precisely defined in plain English. Fully revised with new material on every page, the 12th edition includes over 2,500 new terms. Black's is the world's most cited lawbook. Book $89.95 |
New Product This handbook covers criminal statutes, the rules of criminal procedure, the rules of juvenile delinquency procedure, the rules of juvenile protection procedure, and the rules of evidence, and the sentencing guidelines. |
This title provides localized coverage of the rules of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and each of the District Courts within the Second Circuit. |