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This product provides feedback from some of the nation's leading legal minds on understanding current trends in commercial foreclosure activity. Book $25.00 |
This title aids employers in complying with the new rules regarding the COBRA subsidy. Book $65.00 |
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This book is organized to correspond to the chronological sequence of a lawsuit, complaint through appeals, providing forms and analysis. Book (Full Set) $794.00 |
An essential source on individual rights provided by the U.S. Constitution.
This Aspatore legal title provides feedback on environmental law, specifically new climate change legislation, lawsuits, and legal trends. Book $25.00 |
Provides current developments occurring under the Missouri Administrative Practices Act, the Missouri Open Government Proceedings Act, and the latest reported cases.
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This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Oregon state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $60,499.00 |
This practical guide covers procedural and substantive aspects of trial law. Includes analyses of civil case law, rules, and statutes.
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