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Law book products

Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers authoritative law books, references, and current legal dictionary editions, backed by the legacy of West Publishing. Law books and other references can be viewed by jurisdiction, practice area, book format, or subject matter. Fuel your success with law books from Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters.

Explains provisions and procedures of each Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), plus interpretive decisions of the courts and boards.

Book (Full Set)   $532.00
ProView eBook   $532.00

Complete guide to probation and parole, covering everything from initial hearing through appeals. Citations to case law and statutory provisions.

Book (Full Set)   $300.00
ProView eBook   $300.00

This Aspatore legal title provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on best practices for litigating healthcare disputes.

Book   $90.00

Detailed practice manual discussing effective communication with jurors in criminal trials.

Book (Full Set)   $746.00
ProView eBook   $746.00

This Aspatore product provides an authoritative, insiders perspective on best practices for handling restructuring matters for bankruptcy clients.

Book   $130.00

In this Aspatore government relations title, government officials discuss developing measurable standards and effective instruction in our nation's schools.

Book   $80.00

This Aspatore product provides a perspective on understanding client goals and achieving the best outcome for clients in immigration matters.

Book   $75.00

This Aspatore corporate title provides coverage of the most important privacy issues that corporate counsel and their outside counselors face.

Book   $100.00

This Aspatore legal title provides invaluable advice for navigating your way through a criminal case.

Book   $50.00

This Aspatore legal title provides feedback on environmental law, specifically new climate change legislation, lawsuits, and legal trends.

Book   $25.00