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This deskbook includes step-by-step instructions for legal staff for major areas of law practice — both civil and criminal, and state and federal. Book (Full Set) $660.00 |
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This title covers premortem planning, nonprobate alternatives, commencing probate, spousal set-asides, creditor claims, litigation, distributions, discharge, and estate and income taxes.
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This “how to” is a guide to working through civil appeals and writs processes by prominent appellate experts. Integrates statutes, court rules, cases, and forms.
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Authoritative guidance on pretrial practice in California and Ninth Circuit federal courts. Includes jurisdiction, removal and remand, motion practice, discovery, and more!
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Federal trial practice step-by-step from pretrial preparation through posttrial motions. Includes comprehensive treatment of Federal Rules of Evidence.
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Comprehensive guide to estates, trusts, wills, and the probate process. Includes forms for wills, trusts, and probate proceedings.
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This comprehensive resource offers in-depth guidance on debt collection and judgment enforcement procedures under California and relevant federal law, including tips for practitioners and practice-tested sample forms.
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