Can We Help?
Companion to Florida Practice and Procedure, providing procedural forms using clear, accurate language on disk. |
This CD-ROM companion to the print edition provides all the forms from the main book. |
This product contains the forms from the wills and estates guide, from simple wills to superior court appeals. |
This PREMISE®-format CD-ROM edition includes: Southern Reporter® cases, Code of Alabama 1975, administrative code, court rules, orders, attorney general opinions, and session laws. |
Streamline your civil litigation with predrafted forms on CD, practice-proven and court-accepted. |
Published opinions, memorandums, and Certiorari decisions from the United States Supreme Court on PREMISE®-format CD-ROMs. |
This title gives you forms for criminal proceedings in Georgia, from trial through post-conviction remedies. |
Provides the forms most commonly used in divorce actions. |
In this audio edition, these noted legal writers present every important idea about judicial persuasion in a fresh, entertaining way. Audio CD $53.00 |
This companion to the print version of this product contains over 290 model documents for your use. |