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You’re Only Hurting Yourself by Refusing to
Make Your Law Practice Mobile

Jeremy Byellin, Blog Writer at Thomson Reuters
Published: December 11, 2017

Are you that attorney? The one who:

  • Arrives to court with a file box overflowing with documents, and appears disorganized because he's constantly shuffling through them.
  • Still uses a pocket planner to maintain his schedule.
  • Considers today's mobile and cloud computing technology a passing fad that won't have any lasting impact on the legal profession.

In your own best interest, and the best interest of your firm, please don't be that attorney. It's not 1990 anymore. This kind of attitude hurts the attorney more than anyone else, as it creates a prejudice against a very real – and permanent – business advantage.  Mobile and cloud technologies are here to stay. The most successful lawyers are going to be the ones who take full advantage of them. As such, it only benefits attorneys – including that attorney – to adopt them.

However, if you're that attorney, this assertion probably won't be enough to convince you without some evidence. Let me outline the most relevant benefits of making your law practice mobile with cloud based legal practice management software:

  1. Significantly reduced paper load

    The hallmark of that attorney is their file boxes. If you stored all client files electronically, you wouldn't need to carry a box full of papers to court with you. You could upload client files and their associated documents to the cloud – a remote server that provides secure storage and access from virtually anywhere. You'll be able to access your files anytime from a laptop, tablet, smart phone, or any other mobile device.

    While selecting a cloud provider does require some due diligence to ensure you have the proper security required for the legal industry, accessibility and organization, it is time well invested. Imagine the freedom of not having to haul around a 30-pound box of papers. And imagine how much more organized you'll appear by finding exactly what you need in a click, instead of listening to the uncomfortable silence of the courtroom as you rifle through papers.

  2. Automated scheduling

    Secure cloud based law practice management software can synchronize and maintain calendars across multiple devices so you can access and update your calendar anywhere, anytime, from any mobile device.

  3. Streamlined billing

    Instead of jotting your time records down on random pieces of paper and later transcribing it to an invoice, cloud based practice management allows you to record billable hours as they accrue. You can then automatically compile those hours into a professional invoice that's ready to send to a client.

Streamline your law practice even further by centralizing matter management and integrating scheduling, and billing so they can easily interact. Make it happen with Firm Central cloud based practice management, which combines these tools and more into one, seamless platform that can be accessed remotely from anywhere. Of course, whatever service provider you select, make sure they're a good fit for the demands of your practice.

Remember, while you have choices about how you're going to move into the cloud, you have absolutely no choice about moving there if you want to appear competent, remain competitive, and continue to deliver the value your clients expect.

Jeremy Byellin

About the author
Jeremy Byellin is an attorney practicing in the areas of family law and estate planning. Jeremy is knowledgeable in legal technology and enjoys writing about the benefits it can bring small law firms.

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