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Creating a Log of Privileged Documents in Case Logistix

Westlaw® Case Logistix® allows you to limit your Document List to privileged documents and then export that list to a Microsoft®Excel file, where you can edit the list and create a log.To export a list of privileged documents, complete these steps:

  1. Click the IntelliFolder in the left pane that contains your list of privileged documents, e.g., Attorney Client.

  2. IntelliFolder screenshot
  3. On the File menu, click Save Document List. The Save Document List As dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click a location for the file.
  5. In the Save as type list, click Excel Spreadsheet (.xls).
  6. Type a name for the file in the File name box.
  7. Click Save. A message asking if you want to open the file is displayed.
  8. Click Yes. The Excel document is displayed with the list of your privileged documents.