user tips
case logistix
creating a log of privileged documents in caselogistix
Creating a Log of Privileged Documents in Case Logistix
Westlaw® Case Logistix® allows you to limit your Document List to privileged documents and then export that list to a Microsoft®Excel file, where you can edit the list and create a log.To export a list of privileged documents, complete these steps:
- Click the IntelliFolder in the left pane that contains your list of privileged documents, e.g., Attorney Client.
- On the File menu, click Save Document List. The Save Document List As dialog box is displayed.
- Click a location for the file.
- In the Save as type list, click Excel Spreadsheet (.xls).
- Type a name for the file in the File name box.
- Click Save. A message asking if you want to open the file is displayed.
Click Yes. The Excel document is displayed with the list of your privileged documents.