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Redacting Documents

Westlaw® Case Logistix® makes it easy to create redactions, which can block or mask text when you produce the document.

Note: You can only create a redaction on a mark-up version of the document.

To create a redaction, complete these steps:

  1. Click the document in the Document List that you want to redact.
  2. Click the Mark-up tab in the Document Viewer.
  3. Select the text you want to redact. Then do one of the following:
    • Click the New Redaction button on the Mark-up toolbar, shown outlined below
    • right-click the selection and click New Redaction on the menu
  4. The Select Redaction Code dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a redaction code or click Add to add a new code.
  6. Click OK. The redaction is displayed in the document as gray highlighted text, with the redaction code in the upper-right corner of the shaded area.
Redaction code screen shot