Parent and Child Documents
A document family in Westlaw® Case Logistix® is a group of related documents that includes parent and child documents. For example, an email is a parent document and its attachments are its children. Familial relationships are depicted by numbers in the columns headed with paperclip icons. The number in the left column indicates the number of attachments associated with a parent document. The number in the right column indicates how many documents to which that document is associated.
Creating a Document Family
If you want to create a document family in your library, you can simply drag the document you want to attach to another document. A message asking you to confirm that you want to attach the document is displayed. Click Yes.Viewing Document Attachments To view the attachments for a document, click the number in the left paperclip or parent column, e.g., 4 in the image below. Then click the green arrow to display a list of all attachments for that document.
Viewing Document Families
To gather and view a family of documents, click the Include Entire Document Family button on the Research toolbar. Case Logistix gathers the documents from the entire library and sorts them by family group in alternating colors. In the image below, document 565 has four attachments, which are listed directly below it. The entire family group is highlighted in green.