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Working with Column Settings in Case Logistix

Case Logistix® allows you to customize and save column settings in the Document List. You can also apply saved column settings to different IntelliFolders. Use the Column Settings icons on the Standard toolbar to access these features.

Notes toolbar

To save column settings, complete these steps:

  1. Click an IntelliFolder in the left pane to display the list of documents in that folder.
  2. Right-click a column heading in the Document List and click Columns on the menu. The Customize dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click a column heading and drag it to the column headings at the top of the Document List.
  4. Click the Save User-Defined Column Settings icon.

To apply column settings, click the Apply User-Defined Column Settings icon. Then click each IntelliFolder to which you want to apply the saved settings. Click the icon again to discontinue applying column settings.

To reset the column headings to the original setting, click the IntelliFolder you want to reset, then click the Reset Folder Column Settings icon. Repeat this step for each IntelliFolder you want to reset.