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Selecting Text Using the Mode Buttons in Case Notebook

Mode buttons are available at the top of every transcript, document, pleading, or research document in Case Notebook™. By default, the Annotate Mode button is selected for every document type. Therefore, whenever you select text, the Annotation Properties dialog box is displayed. However, you have many other options when you select text, depending on the type of document you’re viewing. Below are some ideas on how to use the Mode buttons.

Button list

When you’re viewing a transcript, click the arrow next to the Annotate Mode button to display the Mode button menu and click one of the following:

  • Apply Issue Mode – Use this button to apply issues to selected text. After clicking the button, click an issue button on the Main Menu toolbar, and then select your text. The issue is instantly applied to your selection. The button has the same functionality for documents, pleadings, and research documents.
  • Copy – Use this button to copy selected text, which you can then paste into another document or a Case Notebook outline.
  • Copy with Page and Line – Use this button to transfer transcript text with page and line numbers and transcript information. Select your text, then open an outline in Case Notebook or another application and paste the copied text.
Pasted text image

Mode Buttons for Documents and Pleadings

Buttons for Documents and Pleadings

If your document or pleading is a PDF or image file, the following buttons are also available:

  • Select Mode – Use this button to transfer a portion of the document or pleading to an outline or word processing document.
  • Zoom Selection Mode – Use this button to quickly magnify selected text.

Mode Buttons for Research Documents

Buttons for Documents and Pleadings

Use the Copy (with Citation) button to transfer the citation with its text in a research document. After clicking the button, select the text, then open another application and paste the copied text.