Start by signing on to Westlaw Doc and Form Builder at Enter your Username and Password and click Sign On. Enter a client ID. Now you'll want to click on the Clients and Case Manager. Choose the client and case you need to rebuild the form for. After clicking on the case, you will see all the forms that you've built. Choose the form you want to rebuild by checking the box to the left of the form name. Then, click Build.
A box will pop up asking for the client and case you're building for, but you will see that the information has already been populated. If you want to review the answers you entered previously, click Review Prior Answers. If you don't need to review prior answers, just click Continue.
If you want, you can skip straight to downloading the form by clicking Download on the far right. Or, if there are sections you didn't answer previously, Form Builder will take you to those fields. If you want, you can enter the information or skip by clicking Next.
When you get to the bottom of the form, the download window pops up. Click Download, and now you can save your document to your computer or to your firm's network.
Thank you for taking the time to learn how to rebuild documents in Westlaw Doc and Form Builder. For in-person training, you may contact us at 1-800-220-9378, or email us at