Richard Rosensweig
Litigation group director
Goulston & Storrs
I am Richard Rosensweig, I've been an attorney for about 20 years, and I am a director in the litigation group at Goulston & Storrs.
I think that Westlaw has made the ability to find what you want a lot more efficient. And I've certainly noticed for myself and also for the associates who report to me, that the amount of time we're spending on finding exactly what we need has gone down.
"Westlaw has made the ability to find what you want a lot more efficient."
The thing that I find, and what other people have told me, and this seems to be sort of a universal feeling about Westlaw, is you don't have to think like the computer. The computer thinks like you. So you put in what you want, and you get the right stuff, and it's what you want to see. And that's been what our associates have been telling us – you can put in some question in your own frame of thought, your own way of expressing yourself, and the right things come up.
"You don't have to think like the computer. The computer thinks like you."
Clients have become more sophisticated in the last few years in a number of ways. They consume a lot of legal services and they don't necessarily use one firm for all of their needs. So it's very easy for them to compare the work that you're doing with the work that other law firms are doing. So, if you don't have the best technology, that comparison is not going to necessarily inure to your benefit. So, you need to make sure that you've got the best technology, and that you're operating efficiently so that you comparatively don't come off like you're less efficient than your competition.
One of the main reasons Westlaw was chosen I think, was that it offered a really comprehensive field of sources for us at a predictable cost that would be very reasonable for our clients. And we knew that when we use these things every day, and the more we use them, the lower the cost would be for us and our clients, and that was very attractive.
"You need to make sure that you've got the best technology – that you're operating efficiently – so that comparatively you don't come off like you're less efficient than your competition."