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Importing a PDF Transcript

You may need to import a transcript into Westlaw Case Notebook® that was saved as a PDF. Because it is not an accepted transcript file format, you can import it instead as a document. To easily retrieve the transcript after you import it as a document, you can either add it to a group named “Transcripts” or set it as a “Transcript” type, then sort the documents by one of these categories.

To import the PDF transcript as a document, complete these steps:

  1. Click the New arrow, then click Document (from File) on the menu. The Data Import Wizard-Document Files dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click Add to display the Open dialog box.
  3. Select your PDF transcript and click Open. The Data Import Wizard-Document Files dialog box is redisplayed.

  4. Data Import Wizard

  5. To add the document to a group named “Transcripts,” click Groups. The Data Groups dialog box is displayed.

  6. Data Groups

  7. Click Manage Groups, then click New in the Data Groups dialog box. The Data Group Properties dialog box is displayed.

  8. Data Group Properties - Transcripts

  9. Type Transcripts in the Name box and click OK, then click OK in the Data Groups dialog box.

  10. Data Groups

  11. Select the Transcripts check box and click OK. Data Import Wizard-Document Properties dialog box is displayed.

  12. Data Groups

  13. To categorize your document as a “Transcript” type, type Transcript in the Type box, then click Finish.

To retrieve your PDF transcript, click the Sort by arrow under Documents and then click Sort by Type or Sort by Data Groups.

Data Groups

The transcript is listed under the sorted category.

Documents - Transcripts