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Using Custom Forms

Custom Forms enables users to increase their efficiency by allowing them to insert special coding into their own firm's forms (client letters, intake sheets, and other forms) and then build them in Form Builder.

Once you have downloaded the Custom Forms Solutions program you will see it in the Westlaw Solutions tab in Microsoft® Word (if you have not downloaded the Custom Forms Solutions program, you can download it here. Now you are ready to begin the process. To begin customizing your form, locate the form and open it in Word.

Click Westlaw Solutions and click the Custom Forms button. You will be prompted to enter your OnePass username and password.

Sign On

Once you have logged in you must select a Form Category as well as a Jurisdiction and Volume. Your selection here will control the default questions you may select from and insert into your custom form. If you do not see your jurisdiction or volume from the list, select All Other Jurisdictions and All Other Volumes.

Click the arrow to the right of the 1 of 2 label in the lower left-hand corner to proceed to the second part of the customization process.

Custom Forms

On the second part of the process you will see a list of default questions that you may select and insert into your custom forms. When you select and insert a question, it will insert a special code on your form. Once the custom form is loaded online, the code will translate into the specific questions in Form Builder associated with that code.

You can use the Filter to search the questions by keyword or can use the Quick Entry box to enter/search with a Question number. You can also print out a list of questions to review with or without the help context by clicking on the printer icon next to Filter.

New default and filter

To insert a question into your custom form, first make sure to edit your form so that it looks the way you want your final document to appear. Then place the cursor where you want the code inserted, select the radio button next to the question you wish to insert, and click Insert on the lower left hand side.

You will see a special code appear on your form where the cursor was placed.

Custom Forms Date

If a question has an asterisk next to it, you have selected a question that may be inserted into your form multiple times so that you may have different answers to the same question when you build your form in Form Builder (i.e., if the client has multiple addresses, phone numbers, etc.).

New select Question Number

Note: To get more information about a question, hover over the question and select the blue circle icon. You can also add a question to the Favorites tab if you plan to use it consistently when customizing other forms by clicking on the yellow star next to the blue information icon.

Question Help Icon

If you do not find the question you need within the existing default question list, you can create your own questions to be used through the Firm Questions tab. To create a question, simply click the Firm Questions tab and enter the question in the question box. You have the option of entering additional help text for your question below. Click Add question. The question will then be available for you to use when customizing your forms. Firm Questions can be edited, deleted or added to the Favorites tab.

Firm questions

Once you have finished coding your custom form, make sure that the form has been saved. Then click Upload.

Save upload

The custom form will default with the File Name. You can create a different name by entering into the Custom Form Name box. You can also create a description to go along with the form. This allows you to give additional context or direction for the custom form. Once you've entered the appropriate information, click OK.

File name

You will then be prompted to select a custom forms folder where you can save the custom form. Select the appropriate folder and click Upload. You will receive an Upload Successful message if your custom form was successfully uploaded to Doc & Form Builder. Click OK.

Select customer forms folder and upload


Quick-Start video: Form Builder: Custom Forms