Can We Help?
Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $47,632.00 |
For both experienced and novice attorneys, this resource provides how-to guidance and valuable insight on litigating tort cases in California.
Book (Full Set)
Forms cover the entire scope of estate planning in California including a topical index and tables. Book (Full Set) $3,970.00 |
Companion forms for California Real Estate, 4th, covering traditional aspects of California real estate law transactions.
Book (Full Set)
This book covers major procedural topics and far-reaching and complex developments of recent years. |
Hardbound set contains cases determined in the California Courts of Appeal and Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. |
ProView Plus Print Hanna and Van Atta on California Common Interest Developments (The Expert Series)Comprehensive coverage of the entire field of common-interest subdivision law, along with forms, practice pointers, comments, tables, index, and cross-references. |
This title gives you the combined tables and indexes from the four Witkin treatises. Book (Full Set) $681.00 |
This treatise explains the law of evidence and the discovery, production, and presentation of evidence for civil and criminal practice.
Book (Full Set)
This title provides explanation and analysis of California law on crimes, punishment, and criminal procedure. |