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Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $47,632.00 |
This bimonthly newsletter contains current coverage of developments in California real property law, along with enlightening editorial features. |
Get step-by-step guidance from experienced legal professionals on current business litigation issues along with statutes and cases. Includes necessary forms.
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How-to guide on family law issues, with in-depth analysis of statutes and cases. Includes forms.
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For both experienced and novice attorneys, this resource provides how-to guidance and valuable insight on litigating tort cases in California.
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This extensive resource examines all traditional aspects of California real estate law, providing cross-references to facilitate related research. |
Companion forms for California Real Estate, 4th, covering traditional aspects of California real estate law transactions.
Book (Full Set)
This book covers major procedural topics and far-reaching and complex developments of recent years. |
Hardbound set contains cases determined in the California Courts of Appeal and Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. |
ProView Plus Print Hanna and Van Atta on California Common Interest Developments (The Expert Series)Comprehensive coverage of the entire field of common-interest subdivision law, along with forms, practice pointers, comments, tables, index, and cross-references. |