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Thomson West

Provides detailed coverage of Washington civil practice and procedure, including extensive forms, commentary, statutes, and court rules.

Book (Full Set)   $993.00
ProView eBook   $993.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides Wisconsin cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.


This set covers the New York Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and provides forms organized according to relevant code sections.

Book (Full Set)   $2,914.00

This guide provides in-depth analysis, and advice in major areas of Colorado practice.

Book (Full Set)   $3,540.00
ProView eBook   $3,397.00

Practical, comprehensive guide organizes and analyzes the administrative law statutes, court and agency decisions, rules, regulations, forms, and procedures.

Book (Full Set)   $920.00
ProView eBook   $920.00

This subscription provides unlimited access to the content from Florida Jurisprudence, 2d, a comprehensive encyclopedia of Florida law.


This set of volumes contains encyclopedic, "A to Z" coverage of Illinois law and practice.

Book (Full Set)   $48,155.00

This PREMISE®-format CD-ROM edition includes: Southern Reporter® cases, Code of Alabama 1975, administrative code, court rules, orders, attorney general opinions, and session laws.


This volume discusses all Civil Code provisions relating to legal ethics and rules of professional conduct.

Book (Full Set)   $599.00
ProView eBook   $599.00

These volumes provide Texas-specific model civil procedure forms for pleadings, agreements, and other legal documents from filing through appeal.

Book (Full Set)   $893.00