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This product includes reported decisions of the appellate and supreme courts of several tribal nations, as well as other appellate decisions. Book (Full Set) $6,598.00 |
This work covers substantive and procedural law governing work-related injuries in Massachusetts.
Book (Full Set)
This case law reporter contains state court opinions from nine Eastern states and the District of Columbia, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book (Full Set) $14,434.00 |
This title offers practical advice on areas such as real estate, business formation and estate planning from a transactional perspective. Book (Full Set) $650.00 |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Iowa state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $153.00 |
These volumes provide Texas-specific model forms for pleadings, agreements, and other legal documents. Book (Full Set) $6,454.00 |
This digest summarizes the points of law from cases reported in the Veteran Appeals Reporter. Book $795.00 |
Provides orderly, practical organization and analysis of the Superior Court Rules and Connecticut statutes and cases governing criminal procedure. Book (Full Set) $370.00 |
This case law reporter contains opinions issued by Minnesota state courts, plus editorial enhancements. This set covers the 2d series of Northwestern Reporter. Book (Full Set) $36,025.00 |
This set provides practice forms for Oklahoma commercial and consumer actions. Book (Full Set) $895.00 |