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This source contains legislative history, editorial commentary, annotations of significant decisions for each Bankruptcy Code section and rule, and more.
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Informed examination of the pretrial discovery sequence, including advice on strategies, tactics, protective orders, witnesses, and winning the judge's approval.
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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This book is a reference guide to criminal law and procedure in Kentucky, plus research aids and other editorial enhancements.
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New edition Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.
Encyclopedic reference for attorneys whose practice involves Federal tax controversies before the IRS and Tax Court.
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Provides step-by-step guidance for adapting the traditional corporate framework into one suitable for close corporations.
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American Law Reports 4th Edition, ALR Series is an ongoing series of in-depth legal research articles or annotations on particular issues of state law. Book (Full Set) $6,154.00 |
This authoritative set provides a foundation for building successful products liability cases.
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Provides you with the most recent Annotated rules covering state practice in Texas courts. Book (Full Set) $2,070.00 |