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Encyclopedic reference for attorneys whose practice involves Federal tax controversies before the IRS and Tax Court.
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Provides step-by-step guidance for adapting the traditional corporate framework into one suitable for close corporations.
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American Law Reports 4th Edition, ALR Series is an ongoing series of in-depth legal research articles or annotations on particular issues of state law. Book (Full Set) $6,154.00 |
This authoritative set provides a foundation for building successful products liability cases.
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This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Maryland state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $24,144.00 |
Full decisions of all cases decided by the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1957 to date) and Court of Appeals (1978 to date). Book (Full Set) $5,565.00 |
This title provides proven techniques for preventing and fighting oppressive conduct toward minority shareholders.
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This source contains legislative history, editorial commentary, annotations of significant decisions for each Bankruptcy Code section and rule, and more.
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This encyclopedia set provides comprehensive coverage of Ohio law. Book (Full Set) $78,421.00 |
Concise text of civil and criminal substantive law, and discussion of relevant statutes, rules, regulations, and landmark and federal cases.
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