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Resource providing legal analysis of required elements for causes of action and defenses, including guidelines, checklists, and sample initial pleadings. Book (Full Set) $27,552.00 |
A practical guide to protecting witnesses’ rights before federal grand juries through every step of the process. Book (Full Set) $5,807.00 |
An authoritative statement of the law of trusts.
Book (Full Set)
Constitutional, statutory, judicial, and administrative laws are integrated for a complete analysis on every aspect of California law. Book (Full Set) $56,206.00 |
The most accurate, up-to-date text of the United States Code, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically Book (Full Set) $31,341.00 |
This title provides coverage of the principal regulations governing the negotiation, administration, and settlement of government contracts.
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This work is an accurate, up-to-date text of Iowa statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically.< Book (Full Set) $39,510.00 |
The accurate, up-to-date text of Indiana statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $32,704.00 |
This set is a guide to preparing Social Security Disability claims.
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Complete analysis of UCC articles. Commentary on commercial law practices, local code variations, related non-code laws, case and statutory developments.
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