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A start-to-finish guide for proving that a product is defective and causes injury or even death.
Book (Full Set)
This reporter contains decisions issued by the New Jersey Supreme Court, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers and other editorial enhancements. |
One-volume digest covers state crimes, criminal procedure, and federal issues. Book (Full Set) $2,804.00 |
Systematic approach to questioning witnesses, providing detailed techniques and tactics for eliciting the response you want from virtually any witness.
This treatise explains the law of evidence and the discovery, production, and presentation of evidence for civil and criminal practice.
Book (Full Set)
This caselaw reporter contains decisions issued by the Ohio Supreme Court, plus headnotes and West Key Numbers. |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Pennsylvania state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $49,007.00 |
A guide to understanding and interpreting consumer credit laws. Book (Full Set) $2,796.00 |
This comprehensive handbook is directed at protecting the rights of consumers in the marketplace.
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Offers an overview of classic federal antitrust statutes plus recent court and regulatory developments. Book (Full Set) $3,631.00 |