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Expert authors examine the tactical and substantive issues inherent in a homicide arrest and trial, including criminal law and procedure. Book (Full Set) $3,318.00 |
Straightforward presentation of each element in the most common criminal offenses, including references to the Model Penal Code.
Book (Full Set)
This title is a comprehensive resource on international banking law and regulation.
Book (Full Set)
Up-to-the-minute information and analysis on business immigration issues. |
Provides a single source for decisions interpreting the Federal Rules of Evidence in both civil and criminal cases. |
This work gives you expert guidance in successfully preparing a defense for federal and state narcotics cases.
Book (Full Set)
Respected research tool that provides detailed analysis of the law of federal income taxation. |
Covers federal requirements, selected state and municipal requirements, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Practical scientific references also included.
Book (Full Set)
Extensive guide to drafting form-based documents, with expert advice, rules, and tables. Book (Full Set) $29,039.00 |
Each month, Verdicts, Settlements & Tactics reports on dozens of personal injury cases from all over the country. |