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These volumes track the organization of the Florida Uniform Commercial Code. Book (Full Set) $2,509.00 |
A complete library of federal and state forms for every transaction related to corporate law.
Book (Full Set)
This compilation provides a comprehensive criminal law reference for use in court, office, classroom, or police cruiser.
Book (Full Set)
Provides you with up-to-date summaries of employment law changes. |
This ready reference provides quick answers on how to effectively handle courtroom setbacks in a criminal trial.
This edition provides a practical exploration of federal agency rulemaking, including judicial review, regulatory analysis, and the petition process.
This product is a comprehensive guide to depositions, including checklists and other deposition aids.
Book (Full Set)
This comprehensive reference gives you in-depth analysis and practical guidance on the implications and applications of contemporary fraud law.
Book (Full Set)
This set provides new attorneys and patent law specialists alike with in-depth information on current patent law.
Book (Full Set)
This work examines procedural and remedial issues arising in Section 1983 litigation in both state and federal courts, providing definitions, explanations, case citations, and checklists.
Book (Full Set)