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Reviews the latest developments and trends in criminal procedure.
This title shows how to adapt statistical analysis to evolving areas of employment discrimination law.
This text reviews the federal and state legal and regulatory challenges for power engineering technologies and energy production.
Book (Full Set)
Contains essential information for both those advising creditors and those representing the consumer.
Book (Full Set)
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Oklahoma state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $30,516.00 |
This work contains all federal tax regulations adopted through December 31, 2023. Book (Full Set) $8,169.00 |
Informed discussion of mortgage and consumer loan disclosure and its federal laws and regulations, including procedures, solutions, and forms.
Book (Full Set)
Contains the local rules and internal operating procedures governing practice before the United States District Courts and Courts of Appeals. |
This case law reporter contains opinions issued by the Ohio Supreme Court. |
Step-by-step guidance to handling all the phases of prosecution in white collar criminal cases — grand jury, indictment, trial, and sentencing.
Book (Full Set)