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Authoritative coverage, analysis and commentary on every aspect of publicity and privacy. Includes state common law, and federal and foreign law.
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Discusses how major civil rights statutes apply to state and local governments, particularly how to prevent and/or defend against liability.
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A concise, statute-oriented guide to the issues surrounding workers' compensation today.
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This title gives you the full Table of Cases from the C.J.S. set. Book (Full Set) $2,752.00 |
This set provides comprehensive analysis of issues of federal law. Book (Full Set) $27,382.00 |
This Deskbook addresses specific issues surrounding stops, searches, and seizures of vehicles.
Provides the full text of new federal laws, Congressional Committee Reports, Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, Tables and Index. Book (Full Set) $2,043.00 |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Missouri state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $43,364.00 |
Handbook offering definitive guidance through the complex body of laws, regulations, and judicial decisions concerning the low-income tax credit. Book $3,731.00 |
This multivolume set provides practical advice for busy professionals involved in international trade.
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