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Provides clear and thorough explanations of employee benefits statutes and regulations.
Book (Full Set)
Thoroughly covers spectrum of maritime personal injury law, from parties involved in a suit through the post-trial procedures.
Book (Full Set)
Concise text of civil and criminal substantive law, and discussion of relevant statutes, rules, regulations, and landmark and federal cases. |
Drone Law is a comprehensive, up-to-date coverage and analysis of federal regulations and processes, state and local laws and regulations, and an examination of a broad range of legal issues surrounding unmanned aerial systems. |
This product provides comprehensive discussion of each Federal Civil rule, including practical applications, practice tips, limitations, and traps to avoid.
This key number digest contains headnotes, classified according to the West Key Number System®, for decisions from federal military courts. Book $628.00 |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Provides you with up-to-date summaries of employment law changes. |
New edition This work digests hundreds of laws, consisting of thousands of pages of content. Laws covered include telemarketing and email marketing, wiretap and eavesdropping, biometric children's privacy, spyware and adware online privacy. Book $278.00 |
New edition Discusses federal land use planning, including environmental regulation, and public water and mineral resource preservation.