Can We Help?
Valuable guidance in distinguishing between legal and illegal drug use.
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Quarterly journal on medico-legal and medical topics for lawyers. |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
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This handbook covers criminal statutes, the rules of criminal procedure, the rules of juvenile delinquency procedure, the rules of juvenile protection procedure, and the rules of evidence, and the sentencing guidelines.
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This treatise provides comprehensive treatment of the laws that have developed under the federal Act, D.C., and various states.
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New edition Provides in-depth analysis of employment and civil rights statutes relied upon in discrimination cases.
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Keep up with the most significant developments in antitrust law on both procedural and substantive issues with this publication.
Covers all contract law aspects, especially recurring practical problems and major differences between those governed by Uniform Commericial Code (UCC) versus common law.
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This work provides comprehensive coverage of broker-dealer regulation, including registration requirements, FINRA/SEC regulatory requirements, Reg BI, fiduciary responsibilities, FINRA/SEC examinations/investigations, and selected securities arbit
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Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.