Can We Help?
Offers definitive treatment of all legal and compliance issues related to the Americans with Disabilities Act. |
Focuses on employee privacy and management’s need for private information.
Book (Full Set)
This title contains the text of Title 29 (Labor), United States Code Annotated®, and all related important federal labor laws.
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Provides concise, current information to ensure that no area of concern is overlooked in securing and maintaining patent protection. |
This comprehensive guide to attorney fee awards will help you determine and obtain fee requests in a wide range of scenarios and practice areas. Its coverage includes statutory, common fund, and sanction-based awards.
Book (Full Set)
This publication provides new government contracting developments, frequent articles by practitioners, and analysis of key decisions from courts, boards of contract appeals, and the GAO. |
This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court. |
Detailed examination of the changing priorities in zoning and land use practices, discussing over 15,000 cases in all 50 states.
Book (Full Set)
Gain a working knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation and land development laws.