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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
New edition In this work, experts cover federal and California state employment law from job application through termination, including discrimination, harassment, wages/hours, leaves, and wrongful discharge.
Book (Full Set)
This publication provides the complete text of Title 13 (Motor Vehicles), which includes regulations issued by the DMV, CHP, Air Resources Board, and Traffic Adjudication Board. |
This publication provides the complete text of Title 28, which provides regulations pertaining to Managed Health Care. |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
This publication provides California Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Cal/OSHA), including the regulations of the Director of Industrial Relations (DIR). |
Hardbound set contains cases determined in the California Supreme Court. |
This publication provides official California regulations pertaining to health planning and facility construction and nondiscrimination in state-supported programs. |
This publication provides the complete and extensive regulations that pertain to California's education system and institutions. |
This comprehensive resource delivers a concise statement and critical examination of every major substantive subject of California statutory and decisional law.
Book (Full Set)
New edition KeyRules provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $254.00 |