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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
In-depth analysis of current real property litigation issues, statutes, and cases by experienced litigators.
Book (Full Set)
This essential companion to TRG California Practice Guide: Family Law contains more than 250 forms, including detailed declarations and points and authorities. |
Practical guide provides law and procedure for judicial officers and pro tem judges who handle matters in small claims court. Book $314.00 |
This two-volume publication contains a comprehensive collection of California and federal statutes, rules of court, and regulations relating to juveniles.
Book (Full Set)
Integrates expert analysis of property tax law, procedure and practice, offering definitive answers to real and personal property tax issues.
Book (Full Set)
This work is a fully integrated treatment of corporate law, federal and state securities law, and tax considerations. It covers formation, operations, and dissolution. |
New edition This title is designed as an in-court reference tool, offering a quick overview of important topics. Book $704.00 |
Contains the California Public Utilities Commission rules of procedure and forms necessary for practice before the commission. Book (Full Set) $167.00 |
Using a wide range of research tools, veteran attorney John K. Hanft demonstrates the most effective legal research methods available. Book $75.00 |
California Paralegal Manual: Civil Trials and Evidence, 2024 ed. (The Rutter Group Paralegal Series)This manual provides expert guidance in handling trial preparation and in-court assignments during a civil trial. Book $218.00 |