California Paralegal Manual: Civil Trials and Evidence was written for California paralegals by two Los Angeles Superior Court judges who have worked extensively in legal education for judges, lawyers, and paralegals. It is a tremendous resource for legal professionals interested in the role paralegals play in civil trial and trial preparation. Topics include:
- Trial setting
- Pretrial documents
- The final status conference
- Jury selection
- Management and deliberation
- Evidence
- Direct and cross-examination
- Jury instructions
- Verdict forms
- The use of technology in the courtroom
This publication:
- Gives paralegals expert guidance in handling trial preparation assignments and in-court assignments during a civil trial
- Helps paralegals know how to best organize exhibits and present documentary evidence
- Offers an extensive summary of the key rules of evidence to help paralegals handle in limine motions
- Provides guidelines for preparing outlines for direct and cross-examination of witnesses
- Gives step-by-step instructions with respect to drafting proper jury instructions in proper form for submission to the court
- Contains numerous "paralegal pointers" explaining how paralegals can help, and what to look out for, in civil trials
- Provides key citations to leading cases and governing statutes