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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
This two-volume publication contains a comprehensive collection of California and federal statutes, rules of court, and regulations relating to juveniles.
Book (Full Set)
California Paralegal Manual: Civil Trials and Evidence, 2024 ed. (The Rutter Group Paralegal Series)This manual provides expert guidance in handling trial preparation and in-court assignments during a civil trial. Book $218.00 |
This manual provides expert guidance on the fundamentals of handling workers' compensation cases. It includes sample forms, hundreds of real-life examples, and instructive practice pointers. Book $229.00 |
Using a wide range of research tools, veteran attorney John K. Hanft demonstrates the most effective legal research methods available. Book $75.00 |
This work contains session laws from the latest legislative session and cumulative tables. |
Summarizes and analyzes administrative agency and court decisions covering public sector labor relations in California. |
This bimonthly newsletter contains current coverage of developments in California real property law, along with enlightening editorial features. |
Current state and federal cases, legislation, and other developments affecting construction law in California are examined in this monthly newsletter. |
This comprehensive practice tool explains alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, collaborative law, private judging, and contractual arbitration.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This two-volume publication contains the full text of the California Insurance Code, plus related provisions from state and federal statutes.
Book (Full Set)