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California law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.

This Aspatore product provides an in-depth guide to retail leasing, offering practical guidance on topics common to commercial leases.

Book   $125.00

Administrative forms related to Business and Professions Code sections.

Book (Full Set)   $856.00

A practical resource, this set of hardbound volumes contains procedural forms relating to civil actions and proceedings.

Book (Full Set)   $1,203.00

This product contains the plain language jury instructions in an easy-to- use, 8 1/2 x 11 format.

Book (Full Set)   $567.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law.


Hardbound set contains cases determined in the California Supreme Court.


Current state and federal cases, legislation, and other developments affecting construction law in California are examined in this monthly newsletter.

Book (Full Set)

Completely reorganized, expanded, and updated handbook sets the standards for citation of various legal materials, including electronic and online resources.

Book   $16.95

This publication provides official regulations for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and safe drinking water projects.


Summarizes and analyzes administrative agency and court decisions covering public sector labor relations in California.

Book (Full Set)