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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.
New edition This book contains the complete text of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended through Public Law 118-274 of the 118th Congress. Book (Full Set) $2,547.00 |
New edition A concise, statute-oriented guide to the issues surrounding workers' compensation today.
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A concise, quick-access source of expert guidance for medical terminology, records, literature, and evidence.
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A practical guide to domestic relations litigation, presenting the steps, options, and considerations for successfully completing a case.
New edition This title provides a guide to practicing under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in federal criminal cases.
Discusses trade secrets laws, key legal theories, and specifics of protecting trade secrets in all 50 states, the EU, and Japan.
Book (Full Set)
These volumes deal exclusively with civil practice before the U.S. district courts. Book (Full Set) $5,205.00 |
New edition A complete guide to legal theories, cases, and statutes affecting the lending process, with practical advice about lender liability claims.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This handbook describes the federal proxy regulation system and analyzes and explains the regulations that form the system.
Extensive treatise that provides comprehensive coverage of the basic options available for defending against a prima facie case. Book $2,201.00 |