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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.
This set provides you with quick and thorough access to cases with important interpretations of the Federal Rules of Evidence. Book (Full Set) $34,739.00 |
This title is a comprehensive reference on employment law, topically organized to provide in-depth analysis on benefits, compensation, employment practices, labor relations, personnel policy and administration, and workplace safety. |
This caselaw reporter contains state court opinions from 15 Western and Pacific states, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book (Full Set) $13,428.00 |
Provides timely reporting on, and expert analysis of, key decisions in recent bankruptcy cases. |
Multi-volume, softbound books containing all federal tax regulations in force as of the beginning of the year. Monthly regulations and tables are updated in binder. Regulations Preambles are provided for permanent binders once a year. |
This tax guide provides insightful tax analysis for drafters of legal and business contracts, agreements, and instruments. Book (Full Set) $712.00 |
This Aspatore legal title is the ultimate resource for anyone who suspects that they have been victimized by medical malpractice. Book $25.00 |
Expert analysis and step-by-step guidance help you expedite the drafting process.
Book (Full Set)
This Aspatore product discusses patent infringement litigation procedures and strategies. Book $104.95 |
This Aspatore product provides perspective on key strategies for representing and advising clients in today's securities enforcement environment. Book $90.00 |