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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.
Resource providing legal analysis of required elements for causes of action and defenses, including guidelines, checklists, and sample initial pleadings. Book (Full Set) $27,552.00 |
Covers all aspects of insurer bad faith claims.
Book (Full Set)
This comprehensive resource offers in-depth guidance on Ninth Circuit civil appellate practice, including tips for practitioners and practice-tested sample forms.
Book (Full Set)
A thorough how-to guide to handling auto accident litigation with forms and important provisions for settlement agreements. Book (Full Set) $2,614.00 |
Full text of Income Tax Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures from 1954 forward. Includes detailed analysis. |
The book is half autobiography, half “true crime.” It's a look at the life and trials of Federal District Court Judge Frederic Block, whose bench sits in the heart of New York City. Book $29.95 |
These volumes deal exclusively with documents and transactions related to commercial and residential real estate.
Book (Full Set)
Comprehensive coverage of the Freedom of Information Act, conditions and limitations on access, exemptions, privacy, confidential business information, and more.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition This book provides a sampling of annotated jury instructions in patent infringement actions covering issues most often implicated at trial.